Statut actuel

General objective

To acquire essential reflexes for managing employment relations from hiring to contract termination through the principles of labor law, while respecting legal rights and obligations.

Satisfaction rating for this training : 5/5


  • No advanced legal knowledge is required, as this training is designed for beginners or professionals seeking to acquire a solid foundation in labor law.
  • Professional experience in team management or personnel administration: Familiarity with basic HR practices and employee relations is beneficial.

This training is intended to equip non-specialists with the necessary skills to manage the legal aspects of labor law in an operational context.



  • Understand the basics of employment contracts

  • Master the conditions for terminating employment contracts

  • Know the rules concerning working hours

  • Ensure employee safety and health protection

  • Exercise and supervise disciplinary authority

  • Collaborate with Employee Representative Bodies


Target audience

This “Fundamentals of Labor Law” training is aimed at anyone responsible for managing work relationships within the company, including:

  • Human Resources Directors (HRDs),
  • Human Resources Managers (HRMs),
  • Managers and supervisors with team management responsibilities,
  • Payroll and Personnel Administration Officers,
  • Junior Employment or Labor Law Lawyers, or those new to the role,
  • Anyone wishing to acquire or deepen their knowledge of labor law to ensure compliance with company practices.


Inscription a la formation


1 jour (7 heures)


Présentiel à privilégier – Distanciel possible

Dans nos bureaux parisiens
ou en vos locaux


10 participants

Assessment of Acquired Skills

The assessment methods are designed to verify the acquisition of skills throughout the training. They may include:

  • Quizzes and knowledge tests: At the end of each module or at the end of the training, a quiz or knowledge test is offered to assess the understanding of the topics covered.
  • Practical case studies: Real-life scenarios are presented to participants to evaluate their ability to apply knowledge in a real-world context.
  • Group work: Participants may be assessed on their participation in workshops or simulations, where they must collaborate and propose solutions to given cases.

Satisfaction Evaluation

The satisfaction methods are designed to gather participants’ feedback on the training, its content, and its relevance.

  • End-of-training satisfaction survey: A survey is offered to all participants to evaluate several aspects of the training, such as:
    • The quality of the content and pedagogical materials.
    • The clarity of explanations provided by the trainer.
    • The relevance of practical exercises and case studies.
    • The alignment of the training with their expectations and professional objectives.
  • Trainer evaluation: Participants can evaluate the trainer’s performance based on criteria such as pedagogy, ability to answer questions, session facilitation, and management of case studies.

These methods help both to measure the effectiveness of the training in terms of acquired skills and to gather participants’ feedback to improve future sessions.


Securing the Employment Contract

Objective: Master the fundamental rules of employment contracts, from hiring to contract modification, ensuring employee rights are respected while protecting the company.

  • Content:
    • Hiring: Formalities to be followed when signing a permanent contract (CDI), managing the probationary period (duration, renewal, termination).
    • Fixed-term contracts (CDD): Legal conditions for using a CDD (reasons, durations, renewals).
    • Contract modification: Situations requiring a contract modification (job change, working hours, workplace) and managing employee refusals.
  • Activities:
    • Practical Case 1: Simulate the termination of a probationary period by analyzing the necessary steps.
    • Practical Case 2: Review a situation requiring the use of a CDD for a replacement and check for legal compliance.

Managing Contract Termination

Objective: Understand the different forms of contract termination and the manager’s role in these situations, minimizing litigation risks.

  • Content:
    • Termination methods: Dismissal, resignation, mutual agreement, and their specifics (formal requirements, deadlines, interviews).
    • Practical applications of dismissal: Case of dismissal for professional inadequacy – how to assess performance and justify termination.
    • Consequences of termination: Legal risks, “Macron scale” and its impact on severance pay at labor courts.
  • Activity:
    • Practical Case: Simulate a dismissal for professional inadequacy and discuss how to manage risks and potential litigation.

Managing Work Schedules and Hours

Objective: Manage working hours in compliance with the law, considering operational needs while respecting employee rights.

  • Content:
    • Maximum working hours: Rules on schedules, overtime, part-time work, and annualized working hours (forfait-jours).
    • Absence management: Sick leave, paid vacation, workplace accidents – employee rights and employer obligations.
    • On-call and break times: Organizing on-call duties, respecting legal break times.
  • Activity:
    • Practical Case: Scenario of an unexpected labor inspection visit to assess compliance with work schedules. Participants must respond and explain how they manage hours and absences.

Ensuring Employee Health and Safety

Objective: Understand the employer’s obligations regarding workplace safety and know how to respond to psychosocial risks (stress, harassment).

  • Content:
    • Psychosocial risks: Understanding and identifying stress, moral and sexual harassment, and knowing how to respond.
    • Employer liability: Obligation of result in safety, inexcusable fault, delegation of authority – who is responsible?
    • Handling complaints: Should an investigation be automatically launched in case of harassment complaints?
  • Activity:
    • Group Discussion: Reflect on real cases of harassment complaints and analyze the appropriate employer response (investigation, sanctions).

Exercising Disciplinary Power

Objective: Understand the issues of disciplinary power, know when and how to sanction an employee while respecting legal procedures.

  • Content:
    • Disciplinary sanctions: When to sanction? What sanctions are allowed and which are prohibited?
    • Choosing a sanction: Range of sanctions, from warnings to dismissal for serious misconduct.
    • Securing the procedure: Respecting disciplinary procedure (suspension, prior interview, notification of the sanction).
  • Activity:
    • Practical Case: Simulate a pre-disciplinary interview with an employee representative present. Discussion on the evidence and justification for the sanction.

Optimizing Relations with Employee Representative Bodies

Objective: Manage relations with employee representatives (CSE) while complying with the law and ensuring good communication with elected members.

  • Content:
    • Preventing obstruction offenses: How to avoid conflicts with the CSE and respect the rights of elected representatives (freedom of movement, delegation hours).
    • Managing elected members: How to communicate and collaborate with employee representatives while ensuring smooth daily management.
  • Activity:
    • Practical Case: Simulate a meeting with a CSE member who holds an impromptu meeting on the shop floor. Participants must manage the situation, considering employee rights and business needs.


Animation: €1,950.00 per session, for a group of up to 10 participants

Custom Design: to be determined – €1,950.00/day


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